Golden Week is a large consecutive holiday, which occurs from 29th of April to 5th of May. It includes 4 national holidays:
April 29th
Shōwa Day (昭和の日 )
This holiday is a commemoration of the birthday of the Shōwa Emperor Hirohito, and is celebrated to encourage people to reflect on his 63 year reign (1926-1989).
May 3rd
Constitution Memorial Day (憲法記念日)
A holiday to commemorate the promulgation of the Japanese constitution, on May 3rd 1947. On this day, the National Diet Building is open to public visitors. People often choose this day to reflect on the meaning of democracy in Japan.
May 4th
Greenery Day (みどりの日)
It was originally celebrated on April 29th, and referred to Emperor Hirohito, drawing on his love for plants and nature, but without mentioning his name. Nowadays, it is thought of as a holiday to connect with nature.
May 5th
Children's Day (こどもの日)
The holiday was originally called Tango no Sekku (端午の節句) and was celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th moon in lunar calendar. It is sometimes referred to as Boy's Day (along with Hinamatsuri as Girl's Day). Families hang carp-shaped flags and display helmets and Kintarō dolls.
Nowadays, because Golden Week is the longest consecutive holiday, it is the most popular travel time. Some companies give their employees time off for the working days in between the holidays, otherwise workers tend to take paid leave off work and travel.
Travel plans include Japan as well as Asia, Americas and Europe.