-Could you tell us the reason why do you come to Japan?
C:My great-grandfather was Japanese, so I began to become interested in Japanese culture since I was little. Moreover, Japanese technology industries and manufacturing technologies are very famous around the world. Compared to other countries, Japan is a very safe place. That’s why I decided to come to Japan. I had also visited Nagoya about ten years ago, and had a good impression at that time, so this was another reason.
-How about transportation in Nagoya?
C:I think Nagoya is the right size; it is neither a very big city nor a very small town, so it is easy to live in here. The transportation is also convenient. However, the taxi fares are very high. The bicycle is very useful for me.
-When did you start study Japanese and when did you start living in Japan, Nagoya?
C:I started studying Japanese in 2002, but did not study for very long, then, I came here in April 2009. At that time, I could just read “HIRAGANA” and “KATAKANA” but I can read “KANJI” now.

-What is your major in college?
C:My major is electronic information systems. The lectures were conducted mostly in Japanese, so I couldn’t understand the lectures when I entered this college. I usually asked my friends about the assignments. In addition to this, some professors have a thick accent so it was really hard to understand them most of the time.
-Did you have any difficulties (troubles) when living here?
C:The college dormitory has a rule that says that a student must move out within 6 months. Throughout these first 6 months I looked for a new place and started living by myself. When I started living alone, shopping for groceries was very hard for me. It took a while to get use to shopping here.
Additionally, I was surprised by how expensive fruits are in Japan.
-How do you feel about the climate here, especially summer time in Nagoya?
C:The climate agrees with me because I’m from a warm country, but sometimes Nagoya is just too hot and humid in summer.
-Could you let us know your favorite Japanese food?
C:I like Sushi, Sashimi, Edamame(green soybean), Tofu, Wakame(seaweed), Mozuku, Hijiki, Kinpira(boiled burdock root and carrot with Japanese sake ,sugar and soy sauce) and I don’t like Natto.
-Which place did you visit in Japan?
C:I went to Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Kyusyu, Toyama, Fukui, and Nagano.

-Which place would you like to go next?
C:I would like to go Hokkaido and Okinawa.
-I’d like to ask you what do you planning to do for the future.
C:I would like to enhance knowledge of my major and to gain a range of experience.
If I have the chance, I would like to work in a Japanese company.
-Finally, please give an advice to overseas students who want to come to Japan to study.
C:For overseas students who wish to come to Japan to study, it is good to study Japanese as much as you can before coming to Japan.
If someone has a favorite brand, like ZARA, you shouldn’t buy it in Japan, it is expensive and also some clothing shops in Japan don`t have such a wide range of goods. In such a case you should better buy it in your country or another country before coming.
In addition, it is really important that you keep in mind a sense of humility and sense the atmosphere at all times.
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